Need help sending notification after power level sequence pattern

New to HA, but feel like I’m on my way. I’ve got all my devices/services linked and all the automations migrated over from Google Assistant (lights on/off at times, voice trigger for turning on the Plex server in the basement).

Now I’m working on an automation to send me a notification when the washer finishes. It needs to track a sequence of power level changes on the device, VeSync wifi-switch-1.3 which I’ve observed in the Logbook & History. Specifically what I want to track is when the current power pf the device has hit 590W, dropped below 10W, hit 590W again, and then dropped below 10W a final time. I want to send a notification only after the second drop below 10W.

I think the first step is to create a Helper of the type “Number”, Entity IT input_number.laundry_power_count, then to use an Automation that uses a Numeric State Trigger with a “Then do” of the Choose type.

I’m not getting much beyond that. I’m not asking for handholding throughout the process, but I’m not sure what to search for. I remember seeing something along these lines a month ago, but can’t find it again.

Thanks to anyone and everyone who can take a moment to help!

That sounds like the right idea. A counter helper might be easier - if counter < 2 increment the counter; if > 1 send notification and reset counter.

OK. I may have overstated my ability to jump in on this - this is what I have, but it won’t save, giving an error I can’t make sense of “Message malformed: Entity is neither a valid entity ID nor a valid UUID for dictionary value @ data[‘action’][0][‘choose’][0][‘conditions’][0][‘entity_id’]”

description: ""
mode: single
  - platform: numeric_state
      - sensor.washing_machine_current_power
      hours: 0
      minutes: 5
      seconds: 0
    above: 455
  - platform: numeric_state
      - sensor.washing_machine_current_power
      hours: 0
      minutes: 1
      seconds: 0
    above: 10
    below: 10
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: counter.laundry_power_cycle_counter
    below: 3
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: numeric_state
            entity_id: ""
            above: 0
          - service: counter.increment
              entity_id: counter.laundry_power_cycle_counter
              "1": null
      - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_8
        metadata: {}
          message: transfer laundry
          title: wash done
      - service: counter.reset
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: counter.laundry_power_cycle_counter
alias: Wash notification

New to the forum, so I hope I’m posting this correctly and giving the needed info.

There you need an entity_id, what needs to be above 0

Thank you! My eyes were crossing, looking at the same thing over and over.

I’m going to go put in a load of towels and will report back. :crossed_fingers: