Need Help Setting up Nortek HUSBZB-1

I set up My Home Assistant Core using the steps identified at following the steps labeled " Alternative: install Home Assistant Supervised on a generic Linux host"

So a quick question - does that mean I have it installed in a Docker container? (My assumption is that I do. But I am confused about this whole topic.)

At any rate, I am now trying to add a Nortek HUSBZB-1 device. I have it added and have identified that it is on /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1. It appears to be installed OK. And I have both Z Wave and Zigbee showing under Configuration as they should.But when I try to add my first Z Wave device, it is not showing up. I select Add Node, and then go to the device (which is a GE In Wall Switch) and Hit the switch (which i show I am supposed to get it to pair with Z Wave). It is not doing anything. I knwo the device is good - I previously had it paired and working on a SmartThings Hub. I did a factory reset on it and removed it from SmartThings.

I am inclined to believe I do not have everything configured properly in Home Assistant - maybe because I installed it Supervised?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


i am now experiencing the same issue . added the HUSBZB- 1 properly to the home assistant via the front end . but none of the zigbee devices are not showing up during the search and there is no services as zha.permit and other services of zigbee in the services tab.
i am a newbie to this field . i am running my HA on a linux server (debian)
Helps are appreciated.
thank you

Any progress here? I’m in the same place.