I had a sensor outputting live power readings via MQTT to HA in Watt.
How can I calculate the total power used / hour / day.
Is there any way that I can store the day’s usage and add it up to calculate the total usage for the month.
if your output looks like a square sign wave, use the integration integration. It gets the area under the watt curve, which is the result you are looking for, a Wh. But you can make it into a kWh so it matches your monthly bill.
- platform: integration
source: sensor.current_power
name: energy_spent
unit_prefix: k
round: 2
method: left
If your live output reading is more of a ‘flowing sign wave’, change the method to trapezoidal. But be warned, trapezoidal can get wildly incorrect numbers if your device sits at 0 watts for hours on end. You do not want to use this for a washing machine or something like that.
Once you have that sensor, you can use the utility meter integration to calculate even more stuff.