Need help translating ESPHome config to Tasmota

Okay, I thought this would be easier, but damn I do not get Tasmota at all I think.

I created a PCB with the ESP32C3 and use it with ESPHome (PokyPow).

I am able to compile and flash a custom version.
Okay, that took some times but works.

However, I am struggling HARD to understand, how I can map my GPIOs with the functions they do in ESPHome.

I want:

  • a sensor that check if something is on or off
  • a button for shortly connecting something
  • a second button to shorty connect something slightly longer
  • control a led

I have this ESPHome config for a board I created myself:

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO7
      inverted: true
        output: true
        pulldown: true
    id: power_pin
    internal: true

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO6
      inverted: true
        output: true
        pulldown: true
    id: reset_pin
    internal: true

  - platform: template
    name: "Power Switch"
    id: power_switch
    internal: true
      - switch.turn_on: power_pin
      - delay: 2000ms
      - switch.turn_off: power_pin

  - platform: template
    name: "Power Switch Force"
    id: power_switch_force
    internal: true
      - switch.turn_on: power_pin
      - delay: 10000ms
      - switch.turn_off: power_pin

  - platform: template
    name: "Reset Switch"
    id: reset_switch
    internal: true
      - switch.turn_on: reset_pin
      - delay: 1000ms
      - switch.turn_off: reset_pin

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO04
        input: true
        pullup: true
      inverted: false
    id: pc_power_sensor
    name: "Power State"
    device_class: running
    icon: "mdi:desktop-classic"

  - platform: template
    name: "Power Button"
    id: power_button
    icon: "mdi:power-standby"
        - switch.toggle: power_switch

  - platform: template
    name: "Force Power Off"
    id: force_power_off
    icon: "mdi:power-plug-off"
        - switch.toggle: power_switch_force
        - delay: 1000ms
        - switch.turn_off: power_switch_force

  - platform: template
    name: "Reset Button"
    id: reset_button
    icon: "mdi:restart"
        - switch.toggle: reset_pin

I tried this:

# Set GPIO04 as Switch1 (binary sensor)
GPIO4 160

# Enable pull-up resistor for the GPIO pin
SetOption114 1

# Configure the switch as normally open (not inverted)
SwitchMode1 0

# Rename the web button to "Power State" (optional, for clarity)
WebButton1 Power State

I do not see a button or anything on the webinterface.

For some reason I can not wrap my head around Tasmota and how you get those entities into HA.

Just out of curiosity, why would you limit yourself with Tasmota when you already have a working ESPHome config?

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I will not use Tasmota.
But I thought it would be a good idea to offer a binary for the product I am creating.

Starting to regret the idea of offering Tasmota😅

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