Need help trying to extract attributes from JSON via REST

Hi, I am hoping that some of you smart folk out there can help me with this…

I recently got an Ecowitt 2000 gateway (weather station). I want to retrieve the current data from it directly and use that in HomeAssistant.

To retrieve the data I simply make a call to and this returns the following JSON (trimmed down a little to keep this post shorter)

  "common_list": [
      "id": "0x02",
      "val": "19.4",
      "unit": "C"
      "id": "0x07",
      "val": "70%"
      "id": "3",
      "val": "19.4",
      "unit": "C"
      "id": "0x05",
      "val": "21.0",
      "unit": "C"
  "piezoRain": [
      "id": "0x0D",
      "val": "0.0 mm"
      "id": "0x0E",
      "val": "0.0 mm/Hr"
  "wh25": [
      "intemp": "22.9",
      "unit": "C",
      "inhumi": "62%",
      "abs": "1013.7 hPa",
      "rel": "1013.7 hPa"

The outdoor temperature is id 0x02

I am using the following in my configuration to try and get the temperature value (which I pieced together from some posts from other people doing similar things

  - scan_interval: 60
      - name: "Ecowitt Outdoor Temp"
        json_attributes_path: "$..[?(]"
        value_template: "OK"
          - "id"
          - "val"
          - "unit"

but unfortunately the result never gives me the attributes… I get a status (of “OK” - from the value_template) and I get a friendly_name attribute (of “Ecowitt Outdoor Temp” - from the sensor name)

Can anyone tell me what is is that I am doing wrong here… as far as I can tell (from this post here) what I have should be giving me the temperature value/unit etc

Try json path json_attributes_path to
