Trying to use the integration 17 track, I currently have one package tracked there, but I’m not able to see it in home assistant.
The debug log says the fetching of data was successful:
DEBUG (MainThread) [pyseventeentrack.profile] Login response: {'Json': {'FUserRole': 000, 'FNickname': 'Apollo-Roboto', 'FEmail': 'xxx', 'FLanguage': 'en', 'FCountry': 000, 'FPhoto': 10001, 'gid': 'xxx', 'ms': [{'ml': 0, 'mt': 0}], 'phoneValid': False, 'createTime': 'xxx'}, 'Code': 0}
DEBUG (MainThread) [pyseventeentrack.profile] Login response: {'Json': {'FUserRole': 000, 'FNickname': 'Apollo-Roboto', 'FEmail': 'xxx', 'FLanguage': 'en', 'FCountry': 000, 'FPhoto': 10001, 'gid': 'xxx', 'ms': [{'ml': 0, 'mt': 0}], 'phoneValid': False, 'createTime': 'xxx'}, 'Code': 0}
DEBUG (MainThread) [pyseventeentrack.profile] Summary response: {'Code': -3}
DEBUG (MainThread) [pyseventeentrack.profile] Packages response: {'Code': -3}
DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.seventeentrack] Finished fetching seventeentrack data in 0.544 seconds (success: True)
This {'Code': -3}
makes me think there is an error somewhere, but I can’t be sure.
Any idea why the package is not showing as an entity?