Need help with a Button Card

type: custom:button-card
color_type: card
entity: switch.shellyGaragentor
name: Toröffner Garage
  - value: "on"
    name: Garagentor geöffnet
    color: green
    icon: mdi:garage-open
      card: null
  - operator: default
    color: green
    icon: mdi:garage-open
  - value: "off"
    name: Garagentor geschlossen
    color: red
    icon: mdi:garage
      card: null
  - operator: default
    color: green
    icon: mdi:garage-open

I originally cobbled together the above code to control my garage door.

However, my Shelly is only a pulse generator.

In other words: I press the button and it gives the impulse = door moves up/down/stops

However, this also means that it switches on and then switches off again immediately.
Technically no problem, but I would like to implement it visually as described in the code above.

As a layman, however, it is quite difficult for me.

Instead of reactively changing the status of the button, would it simply have to change its appearance every time it is pressed?

I am using a Shelly Mini Gen 3.

I hope that someone can help me with this.


Window contacts will be added to the garage later.

It may then be possible to get a better idea of the status.

Perhaps someone can provide me with two code snippets that cover both options.