Need help with Apex Charts Monthly Stacked Totals

I’m trying to show stacked monthly totals of 2 sensor values and failing.

Image 1 below showing totals by month show December’s (last month’s) values incorrectly.

Image 2 showing totals by week show all correct values.

Here’s what I’ve got:

sensor.355_total_monthly_electric and sensor.357_total_monthly_electric are created in configuration.yaml:

    friendly_name: "355 NYSEG MONTHLY TOTAL"
    unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
    value_template: "{{ states('sensor.blue_house_123_1mon') |float + states('sensor.green_559f0_123_1mon') | float }}"

    friendly_name: "357 NYSEG MONTHLY TOTAL"
    unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
    value_template: "{{ states('sensor.shop_123_1mon') |float + states('sensor.purple_house_123_1mon') | float + states('sensor.white_house_123_1mon') | float}}"

Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong?

Thank you!

I’ve gotten no where on my own.

In fact, I think my progress has been backward.

When I set the column to:

  func: last
  duration: 1days

then the stacked work, but I don’t want to see every day’s amounts. I want to see just the monthly totals.

When I set the columns to:

  func: last
  duration: 1month

it shows a single column, but has bizarre data for the previous month.

But now, even with duration: 1day the previous month’s data does not show.

Here’s what I mean:

Is December’s data not being saved?

Is the duration of 1month not working?

Thank you!