Need help with API.AI

I have a no-ip address set up to connect to my ha which is also not https, can you please give a little more details on how you changed the link?

I also use a no-ip address.
on fullfilment you will inform

Key = x-ha-access

From this point if your intent script is set on home assistant configuration and intents are set you should be able to ask questions and receive the answers from home assistant api.

Please note that SSL (https) is required for Actions on Google integration (e.g. google home)

Hi Guys Can any one help me on the following!!

When i’m hitting my home assistant URL something like

I’m getting error 404

and my DialogFlow response is also showing me 404 error obviously because it could’nt find the URL, any suggestion ?

“status”: {
“code”: 206,
“errorType”: “partial_content”,
“errorDetails”: “Webhook call failed. Error: 404 Not Found”,
“webhookTimedOut”: false

Stupid me Did’nt included the line dialogflow: line in configurations.yaml file :expressionless:
Added it and it’s giving 405 :slight_smile: