Need help with ESPHome, binary sensor, and NodeMCU ESP32

Hello, I purchased

I connected GPIO13 to 3.3v using 2.2k resistor as it shown here:

I am trying to setup binary sensor for my door. This is the configuration that I use:

  name: ring_and_salt_system
  platform: ESP32
  board: nodemcu-32s

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password


# Enable logging
  baud_rate: 0

  rx_pin: RX
  baud_rate: 4800

# Enable Home Assistant API


  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO13
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: True
    name: "Front Door"
    device_class: door

It does not work for me. It always show that the door is closed.
Can someone help me with this?

From your wiring picture and the fact that you have internal pull-ups enabled, your GPIO pin will always be at 3.3v. Pull-up is at 3.3v and your switch connects it to 3.3v when closed.

Remove the external GPIO resistor.

Re-wire your door switch to short the the GPIO to GND.

Leave the configuration of esphome as you have it. It is correct.

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This is correct, switch should go to ground , not 3.3v.

Basically, you are telling me that GPIO should have either GND or 3.3V connection, is this correct? I tried it too and it is always closed.

I use solderless breadboard and move cable that is connected to GPIO13 between GND and 3.3V connections, but status does not change.

Anything else should I try? I watched this video and it says that I have to have resistor:

Then you have the wrong pin.

I didn’t watch it but they’re wrong. Enabling pull-ups does the same thing as an external resistor (all be it a lot weaker).

Interesting. It started working. I removed connection to 3.3v and connect GPIO pin to GND pin only.

Basically, GPIO pin either connected to GND or not. Nothing else. Is it normal? Can I leave it like this?

Thank you for your help.

Yes. That is exactly what I said in my last post.

Sorry but f I wanted to be sure because that video tells me that I have to have connection to 3.3V.

Again, thank you very much for your help.

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Don’t believe everything you read - or watch on YouTube :slight_smile:

hi, gays, i have a problem similar to that i have a door sensor i connect it to gnd then to the door sensor, and to d1 but when it changes from on to off it gets stuck on off.
but when i use the same code and wiring for rx or tx pin its works properly



  - platform: gpio

    name: "test1"


      number: 10

    id: test_1