I am looking to check the external temperature at a set time and if it is below a set value turn on a couple of items for 30 minutes then turn them off. The code below doesn’t work I am guessing as weather.assistant doesn’t have a specific temperature entity. Is this an easy fix?
No, you will need a template to check the attribute. Also you don’t need to specify and for your conditions as they are and by default. Plus you only have one condition, so nothing to and it with. Try this:
@tom_l perfect, thank you so much that all makes sense. I am moving over from Domoticz so as you can guess yaml etc. is a whole different kettle of fish to what I am used to doing. I have a number of these type of items that I have on my current setup so this will help me immensely.
Maybe I should look at this differently and somehow assign a variable or an entity that will sample ‘weather.homeassist’, ‘temperature’ say every 10 minutes then use all my automations that need it to reference this single item?
Unfortunately the extra bracket I somehow included on the end after the 4 would have prevented the config check passing. Remove that and it should have worked.
I was just saying that I tried that other line (is_state_attr) that I saw elsewhere and it didn’t work either. As you say it must have been the extra bracket that caused it to fail. At least now I have two different options that I can use going forward. Thanks to you both, much appreciated.