Need help with home assistant

Hi is there a way to make a inputboolen into a media player so it shows in home assistant as a media player. The reason why is I have a old non smart tv and I can’t integrate into home assistant with the harmony hub and I use input boolens as virtual switches to send ir commands with scripts to turn on and off my devices

Thank you in advance

You might want to check out the Universal Media player.

What exactly is that

… but I don’t see how it can make input_booleans appear to be media_players.

Why? Does the Harmony integration not work at all or just this device?

Whoops supposed to say can’t integrate it without the harmony hub

What I’m trying to do is get into HomeKit as media player so it appears as a tv and not a switch using the HomeKit intergration

The Homekit Controller integration doesn’t currently include support for media_players.