Need help with home connect integration

Please feel free to move this to the right forum if there’s a better place to ask this question.

I just got a new oven and it supports home connect. I setup the home connect integration and am seeing some data update for my oven:

Unfortunately there are some really useful values that I can see in debug output in the logs when I enable debug level logging, but they don’t seem to be reflected in home assistant in any of the pre-configured entity state:

2023-09-04 20:44:01.850 DEBUG (Thread-3607 (_listen)) [homeassistant.components.home_connect.api] {'BSH.Common.Status.LocalControlActive': {'handling': 'none', 'level': 'hint', 'timestamp': 1693885410, 'uri': '/api/homeappliances/THERMADOR-PRD366WHU--001/status/BSH.Common.Status.LocalControlActive', 'value': True}, 'BSH.Common.Status.RemoteControlStartAllowed': {'value': False}, 'BSH.Common.Status.RemoteControlActive': {'value': False}, 'BSH.Common.Status.OperationState': {'handling': 'none', 'level': 'hint', 'timestamp': 1693885441, 'uri': '/api/homeappliances/THERMADOR-PRD366WHU--001/status/BSH.Common.Status.OperationState', 'value': 'BSH.Common.EnumType.OperationState.Run'}, 'BSH.Common.Status.DoorState': {'handling': 'none', 'level': 'hint', 'timestamp': 1693885412, 'uri': '/api/homeappliances/THERMADOR-PRD366WHU--001/status/BSH.Common.Status.DoorState', 'value': 'BSH.Common.EnumType.DoorState.Closed'}, 'Cooking.Oven.Status.CurrentCavityTemperature': {'handling': 'none', 'level': 'hint', 'timestamp': 1693885428, 'unit': '°F', 'uri': '/api/homeappliances/THERMADOR-PRD366WHU--001/status/Cooking.Oven.Status.CurrentCavityTemperature', 'value': 147}, 'BSH.Common.Setting.ChildLock': {'value': False}, 'BSH.Common.Setting.PowerState': {'handling': 'none', 'level': 'hint', 'timestamp': 1693885428, 'uri': '/api/homeappliances/THERMADOR-PRD366WHU--001/settings/BSH.Common.Setting.PowerState', 'value': 'BSH.Common.EnumType.PowerState.On'}, 'BSH.Common.Setting.TemperatureUnit': {'value': 'BSH.Common.EnumType.TemperatureUnit.Fahrenheit'}, 'Cooking.Oven.Setting.SabbathMode': {'value': False}, 'BSH.Common.Setting.AlarmClock': {'value': 0, 'unit': 'seconds'}, 'BSH.Common.Option.ElapsedProgramTime': {'handling': 'none', 'level': 'hint', 'timestamp': 1693885441, 'unit': 'seconds', 'uri': '/api/homeappliances/THERMADOR-PRD366WHU--001/programs/selected/BSH.Common.Option.ElapsedProgramTime', 'value': 0}, 'BSH.Common.Option.ProgramProgress': {'handling': 'none', 'level': 'hint', 'timestamp': 1693885441, 'unit': '%', 'uri': '/api/homeappliances/THERMADOR-PRD366WHU--001/programs/selected/BSH.Common.Option.ProgramProgress', 'value': 100}, 'Cooking.Oven.Option.SetpointTemperature': {'handling': 'none', 'level': 'hint', 'timestamp': 1693885441, 'unit': '°F', 'uri': '/api/homeappliances/THERMADOR-PRD366WHU--001/programs/selected/Cooking.Oven.Option.SetpointTemperature', 'value': 150}, 'BSH.Common.Root.ActiveProgram': {'handling': 'none', 'level': 'hint', 'timestamp': 1693885441, 'uri': '/api/homeappliances/THERMADOR-PRD366WHU--001/programs/active', 'value': 'Cooking.Oven.Program.HeatingMode.TopBottomHeating'}, 'Cooking.Oven.Option.FastPreHeat': {'handling': 'none', 'level': 'hint', 'timestamp': 1693872835, 'uri': '/api/homeappliances/THERMADOR-PRD366WHU--001/programs/selected/Cooking.Oven.Option.FastPreHeat', 'value': False}}

Specifically, I’m very interested in these two:
‘Cooking.Oven.Option.SetpointTemperature’: {
‘Cooking.Oven.Status.CurrentCavityTemperature’: {

I’d love to be able to display these values in home assistant, and build automations around the oven being done with preheating.

Is the best way to get this added to open a feature request for the component?

Just checking - is there anything like “+3 entities not shown” under the list of sensors? Some integrations disable some entities by default and you have to enable them if you want to use them. Having said that, the list you have looks the same as mine for my dishwasher, so maybe the integration is only showing entities common to all Home Connect devices.

Other than that, yes a feature request, but it is part of HA Core, so it will redirect you back here to the forums to do so (or somebody could move this thread to Feature Requests).

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Yeah, I’ve seen that - doesn’t look like any “entities not shown”

I took a look at the code and it seems to automatically pull in anything that starts with:

Looking at the constants, most of what it talks about is BSH.Common

The values I’m interested in start with:

There are a few (likely for range hoods) that start with Cooking.Common, but nothing related to Ovens.

COOKING_LIGHTING = “Cooking.Common.Setting.Lighting”
COOKING_LIGHTING_BRIGHTNESS = “Cooking.Common.Setting.LightingBrightness”

Feels like the integration just needs to add support for this.

Are you able to get any of that shit to actually work? Like starting the oven, or setting temps, or anything? I have a Thermador triple stack, and none of the remote controls work. I gave up and removed the integration since it seemed about useless.

I don’t want to start the oven, don’t really understand why anyone would want to do that.

I just want to be able to trigger an automation once it pre-heats (text to speech, announce it in the kitchen). The beep that comes from the oven when it’s preheated is really quiet and we miss it.

Also I’m getting a thermador range hood that supports home connect, will be able to get the lighting integrated into home assistant for sure, and potentially start the fan based on the oven being turned on.

Oh. You must have a range then, not a wall oven. We aren’t even talking about the same products. Nevermind.