Before asking here I tried to look everywhere, but probably I’m the only one having troubles with the mold_indicator sensor.
In few day i should receive a xiaomi temperature and humidity sensor.
meanwhile I’m using my AC temperature sensor for indoor temperature, sensor.dark_sky_temperature for outside temperature and sensor.dark_sky_humidity for a “fake” indoor humidity (in reality it’s outdoor).
As you can see the 3 values requested look ok.
I also tried to convert all to int or all to float, but nothing changes.
I really don’t know what to try…
I was going to ask the same question. Also, there are a lot of debug messages that this sensor will write to home-assistant.log, so you might try adding the following to your config:
default: info
homeassistant.components.mold_indicator: debug
Then restart and check the log for clues. (Either open home-assistant.log directly, or click the LOAD FULL HOME ASSISTANT LOG button on the LOGS tab of the Developer Tools page.)
Hi both and thanks for the help.
I tried the default calibration factor, 2.0, and another one, 1.16.
I think it shoud affect the precision of the sensor, but it shouldn’t make the sensor unavailable, or am I wrong?
About log, I did exactly that immediately after petro’s reply.
In log I have now few debug lines indicating temperature and humidity sensor update, and…
…ok, I think that I finally found the problem!
One of my sensor didn’t have unit_of_measurement, so it’s value was unavailable and the mold_sensor got broken.
Now it’s working!!!
Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction.
You should try to determine the right calibration factor for your house, not assume the default is reasonable. Basically, a factor of 2.0 means that there is half the amount of temperature differential at the “coldest” part of the house (as the docs suggest, typically a window) than at the thermostat. So, given your numbers – 6 outside, 20 inside – a factor of 2 would assume the window is 13 and base its condensation estimate on that temperature.
BTW, I wasn’t really aware of this sensor. I have reasonable sensors for inside & outside temperatures and inside humidity. I might give it a try.
I’ve been using it for a year or so to predict window condensation and turn on a dehumidifier.
I calibrated it with a contact thermometer (k-type thermocouple) on the window but I still had to adjust the calibration factor to account for actual observed condensation and include a condition that no condensation occurs if the outside temperature is above 10 deg. C.
In short, it’s not very accurate but can be made so with trial and error.
Yeah. It was definitely the windows at my place. They are only single glazed.
Also I am relying on the BoM weather sensor which the observation point for is a few km away. An actual temp/humidity sensor outside my house might make it more accurate.
Yes, you are right, and i will calculate the correct factor.
At the moment I was just setting up the sensor.
My humidity sensor should arrive today or next monday, that’s why at the moment I’m using dark_sky outside humidity sensor. It’s useless, but now the sensor works and I will replace it as soon as I’ll have the real sensor, and then I will calculate the correct factor.
BTW my house is really well insulated and I have floor heating, so I don’t expect much difference in temperature around the room, the factor should probably be little more than 1.
I’m still taking samples, but I was surprised to find the factor came out around 1.5 - 1.8, and it’s a relatively new, well insulated (to my knowledge) home with very new, good, double-pane windows, and although we have forced air heating, it has a variable speed fan which is on low speed all the time (except, of course, when heating/cooling), with vents under most of the windows.
Invalid config for [sensor.mold_indicator]: [sensors] is an invalid option for [sensor.mold_indicator]. Check: sensor.mold_indicator->sensors. (See ?, line ?).
Sorry, just found it. But, for everyone having this problem. My outside temperature sensor has unit_of_measurement “degrees” instead of “°C” as my other sensors.