Need help with Nest Thermostat

Hello, hope you are all well,

I need some help with reconfiguring my Nest Thermostat please.

I initially installed the learning thermostat 7-8 days ago, it worked just fine for 5 days and stopped working (reporting all values an unavailable).

After checking for a while I decided to delete everything and recreate the integration, since then I’ve created two brand new projects, then deleted them, waited 12 hours and create another fresh one. I followed (and now memorised) the whole process step by step and quite sure that I am not missing anything.

The problem is that when I enter the IDs and secret into Home Assistant, it connects with the redirect URI of and the page displays “Something went wrong. Please try again in a few minutes” (I tried again after few minutes, hours, still the same). I got stuck at the same point with all three projects. I do remember to clear Application Secrets in between tries.

What can I do to troubleshoot this further ? Or any other recommendations you may have.

Many thanks.

Is there a way for me to use my HA instance’s redirect/oauth URL instead of home’s ? Or has that feature been removed from the integration ?

Resolved !

The problem was a synchronisation issue between Nest and Google Home Apps (or more correctly their respective backends). I never used Google Home before and didn’t think check if the device was available there.

For the integration to be completed the device needs to be available on Google Home, in the same “Home” it is on the Nest App. In my case it was added to Nest but was missing on Google Home.

The solution (workaround) according to Nest Support team was to create a dummy Home on the Nest App as this apparently triggers a sync. Once the Nest device is visible (and controllable) on Google Home, the integration flow worked as expected.

I also raised a PR to add this edge case to the documentation.