I use the following sensors to retrieve weather forecast data from Environment Canada. These are really beyond my skill level and only exist due to the kind help of community members. This was created back when the forecast attribute was changed to the get_forecast(s) service (now action).
Recently, (after updating to 2024.8.0 and continuing in 2024.8.1) I noticed my daily forecast was not rendering on my dashboard and I had an error relating to it in the logs. The error clearly pointed me to the offending code. I copied the code into Developer Tools and successfully reproduced the error. I can post the entire log error if needed.
I then decided to see what, exactly, was being returned by the daily forecast sensor and it doesn’t look right.
The hourly forecast sensor returns expected results.
I tried the Daily get_forecasts action in Developer Tools and it returns proper results.
This is where my skill level peaks out. I have no idea why the daily forecast is returning a string while the hourly returns a list. I have no idea why get_forecasts works in Developer Tools, but not in the template sensor.
Any help is greatly appreciated.