New HA user here - strong software background, but none in yaml/json/python. I chose HA in part because it claimed support for the Rheem econet water heaters, but after installing HA 2021.1.5, I found that the Rheem integration was broken by an API change at Rheem. After anxiously awaiting an update that I found was already under way (see github 44427), I have updated to HA 2021.2 and installed the new integration from the UI.
The integration created a new card in my overview page with several states, and some have been populated so I think it is talking to the water heater in the background. The documentation linked from the integration is minimal. I can see in the “developer tools” UI that the entity in question is “water_heater.heat_pump_water_heater_gen_4”.
What I really want is to gain access to (and command changes to) the state that controls the “mode” of the water heater, such as ECO or HIGH DEMAND. I can see in the python code that provisions have been made for this, so I know it should be there. But I am too green to figure out how to access it. If someone could help me create a card that displays this state and allows me to change it, I think I could use what I learn there to move on to automations on my own.
Thanks in advance for any assistance!!