Need help with understanding what's the problem in my node-red-contrib-sonos-plus flow

Base facts:
I have IKEA SYMFONISK speakers in my wifi. HASSIO recognizes them automatically without any problem.

On my Android, I have used the native Sonos app to set up radio stations and place them in My Sonos. After that, I’m able to see all the pre-set stations in Home Assistant overview GUI:


After that, I am trying to make a “proof of concept experiment” from Node RED. It’s now my problem begins.

First of all, the only thing I want to do is to start streaming the radio station P1 (already defined earlier, in My Sonos. Nothing complicated! I am using the Node RED package node-red-contrib-sonos-plus.

I have used example 1 of the example flows in the tutorial updated with my radio station, P1, and IP of my SYMFONISK speaker (


The flow starts with injecting P1 as payload to My Sonos node. Doing that renders the following error: processing input msg:statusCode 500 & upnpError 402 :: Details: Invalid Args.

Something is obviously wrong. But googling this issue hasn’t helped me solving the problem. How can I start streaming P1 radio station to my SYMFONISK speaker by clicking on inject node to start the flow?

Why don’t you just use the home assistant media_player and do the corresponding service calls?
If you can play the radio via the HA UI, then you can also automate this via NodeRed with the same calls.

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Very good suggestion for a workaround! I’ll try that!

If you still need help with the sonos-plus node, let me know either by email [email protected] or at my page sonos-plus.
There are several options to play My Sonos items but all should work.

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