Need Idea on how to implement Receipe of the day and veg of the season

Well here is what happen. When you say to your wife
“so what do you think about the new HA panel on the wall, anything to had ?”

"I d love to have a tab to check the vegetables of the season and have like a new receipe idea proposed on to it… "

huh what? well I guess for the receipe idea I could webscrape something out. But for the veggies as its seasonal any way I could create like 12 notes (one note per month) with the veg in it and have it display depending on the date ?

Or any other ideas on how to implement that would be great,


Remove the panel.

The vegetables depends a lot on where you live and if you include imported vegetables as “in season”.

I would probably hard code the vegetables, that way you don’t rely on an external source that could break.
Do a quick Google search and you will find some guidelines of when they are in season.

Just keep in mind that sometimes “season” does not mean it’s fresh.
A good example is apples.
They (obviously) grow during the summer and is harvested summer/fall but they are in season during winter here (sweden).