Need much help with first DIY project - Smart WC light

Hi guys, first off this is my very first DIY project so expect every stupid question on my side. I want to smarten up one of these guys.

It works with 3 AAA batteries and features a diode and a motion and light sensor. I was expecting to fully control the led diode, on off and setting colors. I don’t mind the motion and light sensors.

It can’t be wired, so I’m looking for some zigbee solution??

Well, as I said, any suggestion will be appreciated.

Have never tried it but I would think a ZigBee smart plug with a status indicator (LED) that is on when the plug is on could be used to make a fairly easy installation.
Not cheap but it probably will work.

I’m afraid I don’t understand you… thanks for coming

You need some kind of ZigBee chip that already controls a LED.
Programming your own ZigBee chips is not something I have heard of anyone do yet. So that leaves using what already exists.

A smart plug sometimes has a LED indicator if it’s on or off, this indicator is controlled by the ZigBee chip by sending a turn on (the relay) to the ZigBee chip.
If you remove the chip and use the indicator to the toilet LED and just leave the connections to the relay empty then you should get the functionality you want

I want to be able to set different colors on the diode, what you suggest is just for on/off as far as I understand.

Nothing in this thread says the LED is RGB, all three images are of blue LEDs.

Edit I see now you edited setting color. Didn’t see that

Yep sorry, I forgot to mention that