Need the new valve especially for the knx plattform

I have Hundes of valve and muat currently configure them as Cover.
Please add the new valve to knx!

Hi :wave:!
What interface would your Knx valves have? What GAs, DPTs etc. do they support?
What actuator drives them?


I am also interested for KNX-Valves in Home Assistant.

I use some switch actuators from Hager. These actuators uses a lot of types of DPTs. the most useful ones are listed on page 25 and below in the linked PDF (see the blue font in the document).

Thanks a lot! :pray:

Edit: I see you are from Austria :slight_smile: Here is a German Version:

fully agree. the new valve type should be made available for KNX integration

What can we do in terms of helping with specification that helps making this feature request to go up the list of things?

Home Assistant Valve support is already there, and KNX supports cover and switch which means it should be relatively simple to implement?


Its dpt 9.001 in my case. Open/close or cold/warm.

Its almost the same as Cover.

9.001 is floating fount temperature. That seems awkward - at what value would it be open / closed? Cover doesn’t support that either.

i also think, 9.001 is for temperature. in my knx valve application software the 1.001 is for open/close and 5.001 for the position

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Thank you. I wasn’t aware of the “percent” datatype in Home assistant.
So i agree, 5.001 is the correct one!