Need to add systemd-mount to HAOS

I’m running my HASS as KubeVirt VM. Now I want to configure SSL/TLS, but I can’t, and I won’t use the Let’s Encrypt Add-on as I use cert-manager in my Kubernetes cluster for Certificate handling.
The issued certificate and the key living in a k8s secret, which I need to mount to the VM, but currently it is not possible to create a systemd-mount file to let the volume be mounted on boot of my HASS VM.

If there is no such feature, it would be great to have it in the future. If there is a way to achieve the mounting of block devices it would be great to get a direction to it.

Your config will no longer be supported, so I suggest not.
If you want to do such a thing, there are ways. However I look at it as kind of a test that I had to pass. When you figure out how to do it, you will likely not want to do it any longer because you will figure out why it is a bad idea. Cryptic, maybe.

And no, this will likely never be something they add to HAOS.

Ok, but how can I provide an existing TLS certificate and key to a virtual machine?

@cmeissner have you managed to find a solution? I’m thinking about implementing a very similar configuration