Need TX23 (wind force/direction) & ESPhome


I am trying to use the Wind sensor TX23 with an ESP32 (WROOM32) flashed with ESPhome. According to:

I should have the following connection
The TX23 RJ11 connector has 4 wires: 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green and 1… brown/copper

So I plugged the red wire to +3.3V of the ESP32, the yellow & green to GND and the brown/copper to GPIO2

My sensor: is defined as follow

- platform: tx20
      name: "station_meteo_vitesse_vent"
      unit_of_measurement: "m/s"
      icon: "mdi:weather-windy"
      accuracy_decimals: 1
      name: "station_meteo_direction_vent"
      number: GPIO2
      #mode: INPUT
    id: tx20_id

I am receiving 0 data :frowning: :frowning:

Pinout problem ? I have no idea…

Please please format your code properly, no one can tell whether it is correct without knowing the indentation.

It’s done… but it’s not a problem of ESPhome/yaml syntax. It’s compiling fine …
Just no output values in the log… :frowning:

Thank you. The only things I would suggest are (1) try another gpio, some don’t work well (although not usually a problem with esp32) or (2) maybe the colours don’t match the esphome docs. How to diagnose the latter without a signal analyser I have no idea.

I assume you have tried to spin the vanes around to generate some data?

  1. I can try a different GPIO… but I doubt. I saw for some pure arduino implementation, some used a 10K pullup resistance. I tried without luck.
    Colors seems to match but … yes without a signal analyser, it will be hard.

  2. For sure I tried by both spinning and rotating nothing is here :frowning:

I read here: post 4

That maybe the DTR pin (green) should be released after being on GND…

So the TX23 protocol seems a bit different from TX20…

Well the esphome docs say

The difference from the Tx20 to the Tx23 seems to be that the green cable does not matter anymore and the wind sensor is just sending a datagram every 2 seconds -

So perhaps leave it floating?

Ok I just installed on an arduino uno the official arduino TX23 lib ( and it’s working fine with my original wiring.

I ailso tried the ESPhome implementation on a different ESP & GPIO… and nothing worked…
So clearly the ESPhome TX20 implementation is buggy for the TX23. I opened an issue