Needing help to setup device tracking on a Asus router

I just purchased a new Asus 3100 router ( firm. and I am attempting to use it for device_tracker, unfortunately the login password etc doesn’t seem to find any devices in known_devices. Is there some thing I am missing?

  - platform: asuswrt
    username: !secret asus_user
    password: !secret asus_pass
    consider_home: 30

I see a lot of comments in different threads about using ssh to login etc… but I am unsure how that works exactly creating the files and where to place them afterwards… do you copy the information from your local .ssh folder on your pc and paste the public_ssh file in the router and paste the private_ssh on the Hassio folder? (is it the same one used to ssh into hassio?) Or do you create a whole new one just for this purpose for your hassio instance to go to your router?

I am able to ssh into my router now from my mac, but I am unsure how the private ssh file appears in the hassio setup on my rpi to talk to the asus router.


which version of HA are you running?

I’ve heard that in the latest version (0.82.1) that the ASUS device tracker is broken for some people. I haven’t upgraded to it for pretty much that reason.

I’m not sure when/if it will be fixed. I’ve heard it won’t be till the next major release but then I remember reading that it won’t be fixed then either.

And I could be completely wrong and your error has nothing to do with that issue.

My config looks pretty much exactly like yours (minus the consider_home: part)

Thanks, I’ll look at how easy it will be to downgrade to an older version. Might have to do another reinstall.

The config I copy and pasted from another thread in my attempt to have the router connect. Left it in as I figured it couldn’t hurt. ha I’m not getting any errors regarding the connection from the config, so its like its connecting but not seeing any devices. Strange.