Negative and inconsistent value on my energy page for my heat pump and hot water tank


I use Daikin_Onecta (GitHub - jwillemsen/daikin_onecta: Home Assistant Integration for devices supported by the Daikin Onecta App) to retrieve information from my heat pump in HA.

The information is correctly sent to my general dashboard, I have the electricity consumption of my underfloor heating and the consumption of my thermodynamic hot water tank.

For each of them I have 3 meters: daily, weekly, yearly.

I think great, I’ll be able to add this data as an individual device in my energy page. And that’s where it gets complicated…

My energy page is correct when I do not add my heat pump and my hot water tank :slight_smile:

But now if I add the daily sensors as a consumption source in my energy page, it doesn’t work (I also tried with the weekly and the annual. The result is identical). On this capture, the same day. We can see that it is not consistent, at 4pm I have a little more than 1kWh of consumption, while my general consumption histogram indicates 0.26kWh (I have a Shelly EM with ampermetric clamp to follow my general consumption). I also have negative values.

In pink the heated floor and in brown the hot water tank

Thanks in advance for your help


Please also add screenshot of sensor values as this will help to understand the issue.

First question: Shelly EM is mesuring only 1 phase, so is electicity in your household 1 phase or 3 phase? Also, is your heat-pump also 1 phase?

I wanted to put a capture but I am limited to 1 image per post as a new member on the forum.

My entire installation is single-phase.
Yes, my Shelly has a clamp on the general arrival in my electrical panel. And a clamp on the phase of the power supply to my pool.



Could it be that Onecta updates values when full 1kWh has been consumed (after several hours of consuming 0.x kWh)? And Shelly is updating (almost) continuously, so energy consumed by heat-pump is spread over these hours. This could have similar result.

Basically what I’m saying is that HA is showing the data it receives from sensors correctly. Issue is with measuring.

Yes, I also think there must be an explanation in this style.

How to solve this problem?

I could store the value in a template and then declare it as a consumer device ?

What you could do is move second CT of Shelly EM from pool to measure heat-pump (temporarily?) and verify that their daily total is same (you could use Utility Meter helper to get daily consumption from Shelly).

If the daily sums match then you have confirmed the case (i.e. Shelly measuring 0,33 kWh for 3 hours and then heat-pump adding 1 kWh on last hour), and there is nothing much else you can do about it (Other than getting additional Shelly to measure correclty).

Yes I wanted to try with one of the Shelly clamps.
However, my heat pump consumes on 2 circuit breakers of my panel. Because I have an outdoor module (which captures the air) and an indoor module. The 2 are not on the same circuit breaker.

The indoor module must consume 90% of the total consumption. But I would still have a difference.

I will test in a few days.

You could move both CTs to heat pump for a day…

I have also 2 modules, both on 3-phase, but htat should not matter. For mine, most of the consumption is by outdoor module (as compressor is there). Indoor module has circulation pump (low consumption) and backup heaters (which rarely work), but I guess it depends on the model.