Negative engergy consumption


I have some really weird nagative engergy usage on one of my devices

I use a shelly plug S, flashed with tasmota for both tracking energy and turning the radiator on and off.

this specific plug I had disconnected for a couple of weeks because I didn’t need it. But today I plugged it in again and for some reason I have really wierd energy readings in my dashboard.
the total -8.9, but also I can’t make any sense of what happened at 5 o clock.

How Can I fix and prevent those strange values?

I’m not sure how to prevent the issue from happening again (happened to me two or three times in a year), but to manually fix wrong value you can:

  • go to /developer-tools/statistics
  • find your entity (Radiator ENERGY total)
  • on the right you will find button like this: obraz
  • click it, find problematic day and hour, find negative value and set it to 0 maybe