Neighbour Etiquette

Just switched from an HA Green to a Beelink NUC that has bluetooth built in. When I added the bluetooth adapter to HA it picked up a few of my neighbour’s devices. (Switchbot Blind Tilt and iBeacon) in the discovered devices. I haven’t added them but what’s the etiquette here? Will they always be exposed and I can just dismiss the notifications or is there anything he can do to stop them broadcasting. We’re on good terms so if I can advise them on what to do to retain privacy I’d like to do that.

My devices are mostly wired, Zigbee or Wifi so I don’t think I’m leaking too much. Are there any phone apps I could use while not connected to my own network to see what might be getting exposed?

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You can ignore those devices, so you won’t see in your integrations page.
About your neighbours, there’s not that much they can do, as they probably want to access their devices anyways.
Some devices will require an encryption key, so even being capable to detect the device, one won’t be able to connect, see values or control it, but a huge range of devices just publishes their info openly.

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