Neo CoolCam Door/Window sensor

Hi all, has anyone managed to Neo CoolCam door/window sensor to their home assistant? I’m running Hassio on Raspberi Pi with Aeotec Z Wave stick. I can see the the Neo CoolCam sensor in the node list under z wave configuration with “Unknown” in the product name. I can’t see the sensor anywhere else, it is not showing on my home screen or customize file. I’ve also managed to rename the sensor to “Slide Door Sensor” and I can see all the entities and values of the node, I just can’t see it on my home assistant screen or customize file so I can setup automations.

Neo CoolCam sensor node info:

averageRequestRTT: 0
averageResponseRTT: 0
battery_level: 100
capabilities: beaming,routing
friendly_name: Slide Door Sensor
is_awake: false
is_failed: false
is_info_received: true
is_ready: false
is_zwave_plus: true
lastRequestRTT: 0
lastResponseRTT: 0
manufacturer_name: Neo CoolCam
max_baud_rate: 40000
new_entity_id: zwave.slide_door_sensor
node_id: 8
node_name: Slide Door Sensor
old_entity_id: zwave.slide_door_sensor_8
product_name: Unknown: type=0003, id=6082
query_stage: CacheLoad
receivedCnt: 0
receivedDups: 0
receivedTS: 2018-03-04 10:51:57:318
receivedUnsolicited: 0
retries: 0
sentCnt: 1
sentFailed: 1
sentTS: 2018-03-04 10:52:07:394
wake_up_interval: 43200

Have you tried rebooting your device. z-wave devices normally don’t appear until rebooted after they first appear as unknown.

Yup, no luck

I’ve tried;

  • Rebooting home assistant.
  • Rebooting host
  • Resetting the sensor
  • Adding it using secure mode
  • Removed and added sensor multiple times
  • Manually creating an entity for it in customize file

Can you see it it the state tool? You should see it twice once as a binary_sensor and the other as a zwave_

I can see it in state. I changed the name to “Slide Door Sensor”

here are the entities;

State = Off


State = sleeping

Thats great. So it is working. Just use those entity names ie binary_sensor.slide_door_sensor_sensor and it should all work. Depending on how you have set up your frontend you might need to add it in groups.yaml in order to see it on the main screen.

Aha @okareka so I was expecting the entities to show up on the front page, similar to when I added my Aeotec sensors. But this was before I started using groups and customization! so my group setup is stopping those entities from coming up?

I’ll add binary_sensor.slide_door_sensor_sensor to one of the groups and it should show up right. I’ll do this when I get home later today.

If you have a custom default view, new sensors will no longer automatically show in the frontend. You have to add them to a view manually.

I still can’t see the values. Here’s my groups file. The new door/window sensor I’m trying to display is “binary_sensor.slide_door_sensor_sensor”

  name: Outside Lights
    - switch.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_switch
  name: Outside Front Sensor
    - sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_temperature
    - sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_relative_humidity
    - sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_luminance
    - sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_alarm_level
    - sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_alarm_type
    - sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_burglar
    - sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_sourcenodeid
    - sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_ultraviolet
    - binary_sensor.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6_sensor
  name: Slide Door Sensor
    - sensor.slide_door_sensor_access_control
    - sensor.slide_door_sensor_alarm_level
    - sensor.slide_door_sensor_alarm_type
  name: Front Lights Switch Sensors
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_alarm_level
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_alarm_type
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_current
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_current_2
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_energy
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_energy_2
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_heat
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_interval
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_interval_2
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_power
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_power_3
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_power_management
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_previous_reading
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_previous_reading_3
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_sourcenodeid
    - sensor.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_voltage
  name: Devices
    - sensor.ashors_iphone_battery_level
    - sensor.artikas_iphone_battery_level
    - sensor.ashors_ipad_battery_level
  name: Sensors
  view: yes
    - group.outside_front_sensor
    - group.front_outside_switch_sensors
  name: Devices
  view: yes
    - group.mobile_devices
  view: yes
  name: Automation
    - group.all_automations
  view: yes
    - switch.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch_switch
    - device_tracker.artikas_iphone
    - device_tracker.ashors_iphone
    - sun.sun
    - sensor.yr_symbol
    - media_player.living_room_tv
    - zwave.aeotec_zw090_zstick_gen5_au
    - zwave.aeotec_zw132_dual_nano_switch
    - zwave.aeotec_zw100_multisensor_6

Try removing the above as the binary_sensor doesnt have these entities, only the main sensor. The binary_sensor is all you want anyway as it is either open or closed or on or off. So just add the binary_sensor as the entity.

Something like

name: my window sensors
view: yes
- binary_sensor.slide_door_sensor_sensor

Or add it to the default view which is what I do.

By the way my code is not formatted correctly so you will need to add the required spacing as you have done in your code.

@okareka thanks for that it worked! I just need to tidy up the name. Here’s what it looks like now.

  name: Slide Door Sensors
    - binary_sensor.slide_door_sensor_sensor

  name: Sensors
  view: yes
    - group.outside_front_sensor
    - group.front_outside_switch_sensors
    - group.slide_door_sensors

BTW where do I change the friendly name?

Thanks for all your help. This has been resolved, how do I mark this post as resolved

I guess you already did this by ticking the box of this reply :wink: