Neo Coolcam PowerPlug disable led via Homeassistant


I am using Neo Coolcam Powerplug, with Aeotec Zwave Stick Gen 5. I can poweron and poweroff the switch just fine. I am trying to turn of the led since this plug in inside the bedroom.

According to the manual of the power plug it should be done using the following:

  1. Led Display Enable

This parameter defines the LED indication Function ON/OFF. This parameter can be configured with 0 or 1, where 0 means disable LED indication Function and will always be turn‐off, and 1 means enable LED Function.

Function: LED Enable/Disable
Parameter Number: 5.
Parameter Size: 1 Byte
Available Settings: 0, 1.
Default Setting: 1.

So I used the "zwave.print_config_parameter"service with the following data:
“node_id”: 3,
“parameter”: 5,
“value”: 0
In the OZW log I see:
Notification: ValueChanged
However the led stays on. Anybody ran into this by any chance?


you can disable the LED via the Z-Wave controlpanel:

Home Assistant Web Interface -> Settings -> Z-Wave -> Node management -> Select your node
Node config options ->

Tested and worked for me for two of the Neo Coolcam (EU) plugs.

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Thank you for this! This did the trick.


To gain quick access to the LED configuration of a Neo Coolcam PowerPlug you can define an input_boolean and use that in an automation calling the zwave.set_config_parameter service.

In configuration.yaml:

    name: LED indicator for bedroom switch
    icon: mdi:lightbulb-on-outline

In automations.yaml:

- id: disable_switch_bedroom_led
  alias: Disable LED indicator
    entity_id: input_boolean.switch_bedroom_config_led
    platform: state
    from: 'on'
    to: 'off'
    service: zwave.set_config_parameter
    data_template: {
      "node_id": 2,
      "parameter": 5,
      "value": "Disable"
- id: enable_switch_bedroom_led
  alias: Enable LED indicator
    entity_id: input_boolean.switch_bedroom_config_led
    platform: state
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
    service: zwave.set_config_parameter
    data_template: {
      "node_id": 2,
      "parameter": 5,
      "value": "Enable"

I’m using this for two Neo Coolcam PowerPlugs and it works like a charm.