neo coolcam wifi power plugs

By mistake i ordered some neo coolcam wifi power plugs instead of the z-wave ones I normally get. They are supported in the tuyasmart app on android, but i can’t seem to get them configured with tuya in hass. I don’t get any username/password errors on the module, but a pull devices doesn’t seem to do anything.

Browsing the forums/internet i find contradicting statements regarding these plugs, so i’m simply wondering: Are they supported? If so, how can i get these added ?

I was wondering the same but as IFTTT works with these plugs it should work with HA as well.
For sure indirect using IFTTT.
I think I will start tinkering with these things as well.

It is possible to reflash them with custom firmware, like Tasmota. But it’s not so easy. I found this guide:

ok, finally got around trying this and It was surprisingly easy to get these plugs to work. Use the Tuya Smart app to connect the plugs to your wifi (and your tuya account) and just use the tuya component recently added:

Is there a way to connect nas-wr01w directly to home assistant without using Tuya?

Depends how long you have them. Old ones are flashable with Tasmota or ESPhome.

I think 2 / 3 years

Then you can probably still use tuya-convert if you did not upgrade the firmware. Serial flash is definitely still possible.