Hey group
I’m trying to flash a Neos Smartcam Model NS-CAM-02 with Dafang, following Will Surridge’s video guide, which references the files in this GitHub repository.
Here is the camera:
I’m close to giving up, having tried numerous attempts and reading endless comments and suggestions from other sources to get this to work.
If anyone is familiar with it, the bottom line is that I get to the stage where I power up the camera with the demo.bin file on the sd card but always end up with a blinking yellow light rather than a solid yellow after a few minutes. I’ve used the SD Card Formatter to format a 32GB card, I’ve partitioned a 32GB card down to 512MB, but I cannot get it to work despite several attempts. Has anyone had this issue? Has anyone using these cameras managed to get this particular hack to work? Does anyone know of any other ways of integrating these cameras in Home Assistant?
Appreciate your help if you can.
Next step is to try another sd card.