Getting the following error message when checking configuration.
Platform error ‘cover’ from integration ‘neosmartblinds’ - cannot import name ‘SUPPORT_CLOSE’ from ‘homeassistant.components.cover’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/cover/
the file _init_py contains only some commented out header text.
When using an older version of HA no errors. Can anybody assist with resolving my issue.
Thanks for following through with this but I am now receiving the following error when checking configuration. This is after making the changes and doing a restart.
Platform error ‘cover’ from integration ‘neosmartblinds’ - Exception importing custom_components.neosmartblinds.cover
If you have a problem with a specific custom integration, your first step should be to check the original GitHub post where you found it. The people there know the product and use the software, so they can give you better help with your issue. You might find someone here who can help, but it’s not guaranteed.