Neptun Smart water leakage protection system integration

I have water leakage protection system called “Neptun Smart” with tuya controller. I haven’t been able to find info how to configure HA to use it so I decided to share my experience.


Using “Tuya API Explorer - Query Things Data Model” I have been able to get code descriptions and using LocalTuya added a new device. Unfortunately I haven’t found the way to share device profile cause LocalTuya doesn’t use YAML configuration anymore.

Protocol version 3.3

I haven’t been able to insert table so share original json using code.

                     "description":"Implemented as a switch in the settings window",
                     "name":"Floor cleaning",
                     "description":"Flag of  starting procedure of add new sensors. Define as button in Sensor settings window.",
                     "name":"Add new sensors",
                     "description":"Status of crane first group. Define as switch in main window of app",
                     "name":"Status crane group 1",
                     "description":"Status of crane second group. Define as switch in main window of app",
                     "name":"Status crane group 2",
                     "description":"Enable separate on two group. Define as switch in config window",
                     "name":"Group enable",
                     "description":"Enable of closing cranes on loss of RF sensors . Define as switch in config window.",
                     "name":"Close if sensor loss",
                     "description":"If enabled then keyboard is blocked. Define in config window as switch.",
                     "name":"Child protection",
                     "description":"Settings for four lines.\n{input_type_1, control_group_1 },\n{input_type_2, control_group_2 },\n{input_type_3, control_group_3 },\n{input_type_4, control_group_4 }\n\ninput_type - byte, ref. as (0-sensor/1-key)\ncontrol_group - byte, ref. as (1-control group 1; 2-control group 2; 3-control both group)\n",
                     "name":"Line settings",
                     "description":"Status each from four wire lines.\n{status_line_1, status_line_2, status_line_3, status_line_4}\nEach status_line is а boolean. Use for notifications.",
                     "name":"Status wire line",
                     "description":"Configuring relay triggering by events.\n{event_close, event_attention}\nevent_close - byte, can referenced as 0 - not triggered; 1- triggered if close crane 1 group; 2-if close crane 2 group; 3 - if close crane both group.\nevent_attention - byte, can referenced as 0 - not triggered; 1- triggered if attention on 1 group; 2- if attention on 2 group; 3 - if  both group.\n\n\n",
                     "name":"Relay settings",
                     "description":"Address MODBUS RTU for extender module RS-485. Defined in settings menu",
                     "name":"Address MODBUS",
                     "description":"Settings speed of MODBUS RTU. Defined in settings menu",
                     "name":"MODBUS speed",
                     "description":"Counter of RF sensors. This value use for viewing window of configuration RF sensors.",
                     "name":"Count of RF sensors",
                     "description":"Massive of settings RF sensors.  Max size of massive is 50. \nSettings is defined control leakage on group.\n{settings_rf_sensors} - data as 3 bytes for each sensor.\nReferenced as:\naddress of sensor - 2 bytes\ngroup connection - 1 byte, referenced as:\n   1 -  first group\n   2 - second group\n   3 - both group",
                     "name":"Settings RF sensors",
                     "description":"Massive of status RF sensors.  Max size of massive is 50. \nEach element of massive consist five bytes.\n{\n battery_level (ref. 0-100),\n rf_signal_level (0 - 4),\n lost_sensor flag (0-1),\n discharge_battery_flag (0-1),\n attention_leakage_flag (0-1)\n} \n",
                     "name":"Status RF sensors",
                     "description":"Data of counters for four slots.\n-Status counter n.m - 0/1 (byte)\n-Value of counter n.m - 0 -99999999 (4 bytes)\n-Step of counter n.m - 1,10,100 (byte)\n-Type of connection n.m - 0/1 (no namur/namur) (byte);\n-Error counter n.m - 0 -not, 1-short circuit, 2-brake (byte);\nn.m - n-slot(1-4), m - counter (1-2).\n",
                     "name":"Counters data",
                     "description":"Fault for notifications",
                     "description":"Name of sensors 1-5. Each name have size is 51 byte.",
                     "name":"Name RF sens 1-5",
                     "description":"Names of senors 6-10. Each name have size is 51 byte.",
                     "name":"Name RF sens 6-10",
                     "description":"Name of sensors 11-15. Each name have size is 51 byte.",
                     "name":"Name RF sens 11-15",
                     "description":"Name of sensors 16-20",
                     "name":"Name RF sens 16-20",
                     "description":"Name of sensors 20-25. Each name have size is 51 byte.",
                     "name":"Name RF sens 20-25",
                     "description":"Name of sensors 26-30. Each name have size is 51 byte.",
                     "name":"Name RF sens 26-30",
                     "description":"Name of sensors 31-35. Each name have size is 51 byte.",
                     "name":"Name RF sens 31-35",
                     "description":"Name of sensors 36-40. Each name have size is 51 byte.",
                     "name":"Name RF sens 36-40",
                     "description":"Name of sensors 40-50. Each name have size is 51 byte.",
                     "name":"Name RF sens 40-45",
                     "description":"Name of sensors 45-50. Each name have size is 51 byte.",
                     "name":"Name RF sens 46-50",
                     "description":"Name of wired lines. In array 4 names. Each name have size is 51 byte.",
                     "name":"Name of Lines",
                     "description":"Name of zones. In array 2 names. Each name have size is 51 byte.",
                     "name":"Name of Zones",
                     "description":"Names of counters. In array 8 names. Each name have size is 31 byte.",
                     "name":"Name of Counters",
                     "description":"Slots map",
                     "name":"Slots map",


alias: Neptun - Unavailable
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - switch.neptun_status_crane_group_1
    to: unavailable
condition: []
  - service: notify.notify
      title: Neptun Smart
      message: Neptun become unavailable
mode: single
alias: Neptun - Crane group is opened
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - switch.neptun_status_crane_group_1
      - switch.neptun_status_crane_group_2
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: notify.notify
      title: Neptun Smart
      message: Crane group is opened
mode: single
alias: Neptun - Crane group is closed
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - switch.neptun_status_crane_group_1
      - switch.neptun_status_crane_group_2
    from: "on"
    to: "off"
condition: []
  - service: notify.notify
      title: Neptun Smart
      message: Crane group is closed
mode: single
alias: Neptun - Floor cleaning mode enabled
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - switch.neptun_floor_cleaning
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: notify.notify
      title: Neptun Smart
      message: Floor cleaning mode enabled
mode: single
alias: Neptun - Floor cleaning 1h notification
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - switch.neptun_floor_cleaning
    to: "on"
      hours: 1
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
condition: []
  - service: notify.notify
      title: Neptun Smart
      message: Floor cleaning enabled 1 hour!
mode: single
alias: Neptun - Floor cleaning mode disabled
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - switch.neptun_floor_cleaning
    from: "on"
    to: "off"
condition: []
  - service: notify.notify
      title: Neptun Smart
      message: Floor cleaning mode disabled
mode: single
alias: Neptun - Leakage notification
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.neptun_notifications
    to: "3"
condition: []
  - service: notify.notify
      title: Neptun Smart
      message: Leakage detected
mode: single
alias: Neptun - Leakage fixed notification
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.neptun_notifications
    to: "0"
    from: "3"
condition: []
  - service: notify.notify
      message: Leakage fixed
      title: Neptun Smart
mode: single

I have tried to create device profile using tuya-local but it’s based on tinytuya and can get only DPS broadcasted by device (114,122,137-145). It looks like Tinytuya is only picking up seqno = 0 and localtuya is only picking up seqno = 1 and avoiding seqno = 0.

Received Payload: {'dps': {'114': 'AwMDAw=='}, 't': 1717564996}
Received Payload: {'dps': {'137': 0}, 't': 1717564996}
Received Payload: {'dps': {'138': 0}, 't': 1717564996}
Received Payload: {'dps': {'139': 0}, 't': 1717564996}
Received Payload: {'dps': {'140': 0}, 't': 1717564996}
Received Payload: {'dps': {'141': 0}, 't': 1717564996}
Received Payload: {'dps': {'142': 0}, 't': 1717564996}
Received Payload: {'dps': {'143': 0}, 't': 1717564996}
Received Payload: {'dps': {'144': 0}, 't': 1717564996}
Received Payload: {'dps': {'145': 'Bf///w=='}, 't': 1717564996}

If you know how to improve this integration please share you thoughts.

1 Like

A for effort but, I avoid Tuya products personally. These are they types of situations where Esphome shines. Custom water leak sensor and what the hell, add a temp/humidity sensor, sound sensor, and make it double as a BT hub for presence detection if you want. Besides the obvious water sensor, the sound sensor can double as a leak detector by watching for a patter of drips and add it to alarm system as sound sensor or even use it to shut off lights if no sound or BT presence. Temp/humidity doubles as it’s primary use case but also for example you could use it to trigger the exhaust fan in your bathroom.

DIY doesnt always look as pretty but, its far more versatile, useful and 100% customizable. This thing we call HA wouldn’t be as great as it is without people like you doing what you are doing but, some things just aren’t worth the trouble and IMO this is one of those. Although I don’t have any help to offer, I will say that I appreciate what you are trying to do.

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There is an integration HASS / SST Cloud Integration.
If you setup Neptun to transfer data to SST Cloud, try this one,

Could you please help me?
I’m having trouble parsing raw data. For example, in “abilityId”:121 - “code”:“status_rf_sensor” said, that this is an array, each element of which is five bytes. I have 4 rf_sensors and I get data:
which with base64_decode gives [0x64,0x10,0x64,0x10,0x64,0x10,0x64,0x10]
how to interpret them?
Thanks for your work!

How many times have I tried, but Neptun Smart does not connect to SSD Cloud. (more precisely, it connects, but the device does not appear in the list.) I heard that SSD Cloud support is closed. Maybe because of this…

Thanks to the author for the work done. I tried to connect through Tuya locally and couldn’t. I wrote to the developers. Answer: “Since the data transmitted by this device is not consistent, it is currently impossible to support them. I hope to take advantage of local discoveries in the near future to overcome this, but it will take some effort, so not in the short term.” It doesn’t work through Local Tuya either. Integration, when trying to connect, returns “Connection is not possible now”.

  1. block Internet access on the router to neptun
  2. restart neptun
  3. try to connect using different protocols (in my case 3.2)

Thanks for the prompt response!
По-русски тут можно?
Сделал, как вы сказали. Теперь это:
“Connection to device succeeded but no datapoints found, please try again. Create a new issue and include debug logs if problem persists.”

try to connect using different protocols (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)

Yes. It worked with protocol 3.2. I was able to put all the switches on. But when I try to activate the sensors, at least one, the switches become inactive. I tried to install sensors first, then switches. But all the same, all entities become inactive. Either switches or sensors. What am I doing wrong?

Какие номера DPS используете для switch и какие для sensor?
Как и на каком этапе были добавлены эти DPS?

Доброго времени суток.
Номера следующие (взял у автора топика):
101: Floor cleaning,
108: Add new sensors,
109: Status crane group 1,
110: Status crane group 2,
111: Group enable,
112: Close if sensor loss,
113: Child protection,

114: Line settings,
115: Status wire line,
116: Relay settings,
117: Address MODBUS,
118: MODBUS speed,
119: Count of RF sensors,
120: Settings RF sensors,
121: Status RF sensors,
122: Counters data,
123: Notifications,
124: Name RF sens 1-5,
125: Name RF sens 6-10,
126: Name RF sens 11-15,
127: Name RF sens 16-20,
128: Name RF sens 20-25,
129: Name RF sens 26-30,
130: Name RF sens 31-35,
131: Name RF sens 36-40,
132: Name RF sens 40-45,
133: Name RF sens 46-50,
134: Name of Lines,
135: Name of Zones,
136: Name of Counters,
137: Counter1,
138: Counter2,
139: Counter3,
140: Counter4,
141: Counter5,
142: Counter6,
143: Counter7,
144: Counter8
По второму вопросу. Пробовал по-разному. И просто выключатели ставил. Без проблем ставятся все семь выключателей и работают. Но при попытке поставить с выключателями хоть один сенсор, всё становится недоступным.
Пробовал так же “Добавить запись” (назвал её localtuya1, к примеру), но тоже не пошло. Стирается предыдущая запись, ставится на её место localtuya1. Возможно это из за того, что один и тот же ip Нептуна.

Все эти сенсоры автоматом не определяются и не видны (видимо по причине, указанной автором топика). Их необходимо объявить при добавлении нового уст-ва (если добавлять при редактировании - работать не будет) в поле manual DPS через запятую, включая свичи.

P.S. Я попробую в течение 3-4 дней где-нить описать (пока не знаю, где лучше), как я все завел у себя - скину сюда ссылку

Да, автоматом не определяются. Автоматом идут только свичи 101, 108, 109, 110. Но я как раз остальные заводил через запятую в поле мануал DPS. Пробовал и по одному сенсору и все сразу. Да, как объекты сенсоры появляются, и все и по одному, но при этом сами не активны и еще и свичи(switches) они(сенсоры) делают неактивными. Бьюсь уже третий день и никак. Поэтому буду благодарен за ваше описание и ссылку.

Попробуйте сначала один сенсор совместно со свичами - например 121. Это строка. После добавления его в local tyua посмотрите его значения в устройствах.
И посмотрите системный журнал HA - что там за ошибки.
Да, все сенсоры и свичи добавляются через local tyua edit device по очереди.

Интересный момент. Есть localtuya integration 5.2.1, а есть Hacs localtuya 2014.9.0 Сейчас пробую вторую

та же “песня” и с hacs localtuya

У меня localtuya integration 5.2.1. Сейчас нет доступа к системе. В пнд приложу скрины.
Сенсоры и свичи добавляются через оснастку localtuya через edit device

Я и ту интеграцию попробовал и другую. Тоже добавляю через edit device. Но сенсоры не активны вместе со свичами. Работает интеграция только, если ставлю просто все семь свичей или все 31 сенсор. Или-или. Вместе, если ставлю, то ВСЁ неактивно.