Nest camera motion entities

Your indent on binary_sensor looks different than the example above?

This is super helpful, but how do I find my device ids? Why doesn’t something like camera.front_door work?

I usually use the automation Editor UI to set these up. If you want to use yaml directly, then I would start with the UI then see what yaml it makes and edit by hand from there.

Maybe others have a better way…

Thanks. I actually JUST figured out how to get them using templating and {{ device_id(‘camera.[replace with your entity id]’) }}

Nice! I didn’t know that was possible

Hi, is Nest Battery indoor/outdoor motion events still not working?? Have just spent an hour trying to figure out why it doesnt work

Hi, I do see events for my indoor camera. (e.g. i just saw a person event)

If you look at the diagnostics data from the integration (Under Integrations > Nest “…” > Download Diagnostics) it may have counters with events that are received, in my case my counters for the WebRTC camera looked like this:

        "event_media": {
          "event": 3,
          "": 1,
          "event.notify": 1,
          "event.update": 2

This means I received 3 events in a session, one of them was a new event and the other 2 were updates to an existing session and didn’t trigger a new notification in home assistant.

Dont see anything like above. Heres the info i get on one device. See something (sdm.devices.traits.CameraPerson) without any values (and i see the motion alerts in the Google home app):

        "data": {
          "name": "**REDACTED**",
          "type": "sdm.devices.types.CAMERA",
          "assignee": "**REDACTED**",
          "traits": {
            "sdm.devices.traits.Info": {
              "customName": "**REDACTED**"
            "sdm.devices.traits.CameraLiveStream": {
              "maxVideoResolution": {
                "width": 640,
                "height": 480
              "videoCodecs": [
              "audioCodecs": [
              "supportedProtocols": [
            "sdm.devices.traits.CameraPerson": {},
            "sdm.devices.traits.CameraMotion": {}
          "parentRelations": [
              "parent": "**REDACTED**",
              "displayName": "**REDACTED**"
        "command": {
          "sdm.devices.commands.CameraLiveStream.GenerateWebRtcStream": 14

OK, so the nest python library is not seeing any events for the device.

Here are some additional suggestions:

  • Nest - Home Assistant has more information about debugging subscribers, including turning up debug logging so you can see events being received, if any.
  • That page also has links to how to look at messages in the cloud console so you can see if the events are generated on the google side
  • The diagnostic data is truncated, but this forum likely isn’t the best place to post the full version. In particular the subscriber bucket is also interesting to see if it starts successfully and how many messages were received. Maybe we should just move to another github issue? I’d like to separate from which tracks this for a Nest Hub, and we can combine later if it makes sense. File the issue at Reporting issues - Home Assistant – even if this is a google issue, we can (1) point google at the issue for more information and (2) point other users to the issue

First of all a big thank you for your efforts, I see you are a very active here. Highly appreciated!

I have turn debug logging on and not much is happening.
I have tried to delete and install the addon again without success.

On the google cloud side it seems that no messages at all has been sent?

Hi, a follow up on above. I created a web accesstoken following this guide from google:

Made a subscription and got everything working… except … no events are registrated.
So seems that events for Nest Cam Indoor/Outdoor Battery is not working. So has nothing with HA to do

Thank you for the the tip using template sensors. One difference I noticed when setting up my Nest cameras is that the trigger event type for person detection is camera_person and not person_detected. Maybe this has changed recently. Here is the full template config to trigger only on person detections:

# Templates
# Templates
  # Driveway person detection
  - trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: nest_event
          device_id: <replace by your device id>
          type: camera_person
      - name: "Driveway Person Detection Sensor"
        device_class: motion
        auto_off: 60
        state: "on"

Yes, it changed a couple of releases ago.

I am not aware of any changes here. The legacy nest entity is called person_detected. The nest SDM API event types have always been camera_person. Nothing changed here. @pitzer


I am trying to integrate and automate my nest doorbell (wired). For now I only see the camera streaming, and thanks to you I will add everything else using the template sensors.

Do you have an updated name list?

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I wanted to use the event data as a history graph on the dashboard. To do this, I needed to extract the type from the event data. I hope anyone seeking a string output instead of a boolean finds this useful.

  - trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: nest_event
          device_id: <your device id>
      - platform: time_pattern
        minutes: "/5"
      - name: "Front Door Camera Event"
        state: >-
          {% if trigger.idx == '0' %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
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Has anyone gotten the 2nd gen Indoor/Outdoor Nest cameras to publish motion events? I have a Nest Doorbell and 1st gen Outdoor camera that work fine. My new Outdoor nest camera, even though HA sees it as a device and has entities for it…doesn’t seem to publish any events.

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Yes, it works generally. Generally I would recommend checking the permissions described in Google Nest - Home Assistant as well as the troubleshooting steps at the bottom of the page.

I’ve done all of that troubleshooting unfortunately. The 2nd gen Indoor/Outdoor wired camera just doesn’t publish any events. I can see the events just fine in the Google Home app…and yes this is the only Camera that I have that does not exist in the Google Nest app (thanks Google!)

So tell me more about what your troubleshooting found and what you checked. For example, if you verify that google is not publishing the events in the console then it is something either with your configuration (e.g. google home app permissions, the permissions at oauth authorize time, or a google bug).