Nest - [Charge for retaining unacknowledged....]

Got this message from Google Cloud today. It mentioned a nest project. Are they going to charge for using the nest integration? Not sure if this is for the current official nest integration, or others I made in the past.

Dear jaaem,

We're writing to inform you about a change to Cloud Pub/Sub message retention pricing, effective June 30, 2024. Starting on that date, we'll begin charging for storing unacknowledged messages in subscriptions beyond the first 24 hours. Currently, there's no charge for this within the default seven-day message retention period.

You won't incur any new charges if:

Messages are processed within 24 hours.
Unacknowledged messages older than 24 hours are already retained through Topic Retention.
Please note that storage costs of $0.27 per GB-month will be charged after the first 24 hours (similar to other Pub/Sub storage offerings).

What do you need to know?
Starting June 30, 2024, customers will begin to incur charges for retaining unacknowledged messages with subscriptions for more than 24 hours. If you are able to process the messages within this time, you will not see any new storage charges.

What do you need to do?
Unacknowledged messages can result from idle subscriptions, backup needs, or slow processing. Avoid new charges by managing these scenarios as follows:

Idle subscriptions - Delete idle subscriptions to avoid incurring subscription message retention charges.
Backup storage - If you are using subscription retention as backup storage, you can enable an official storage option such Topic Retention or Retained Acknowledged Messages. For instance, Topic Retention will store messages just once at the topic level and they will remain available for all the subscriptions to consume when needed.
Processing delays - Add more subscribers (if possible) to process the messages within a day.
Please note, the default message retention period remains seven days. You will only incur charges for unacknowledged messages that are stored with the subscription beyond 24 hours of publication.

Your affected projects are below:

Nest (nest-XXXXX)
Thanks for choosing Google Cloud Pub/Sub.

I saw this email as well and was worried everyone using nest with home assistant will get an email like this. No need to worry. The default retention period for subscriptions created by the Nest integration is 15 minutes.

You can verify this yourself at looking for the subscription like home-assistant-XXXX and looking at the retention period.

As always, check out the Nest troubleshooting instructions which has a link to the cloud console for pubsub subscriptions for diagnosing issues.

Some users from years ago using yaml have manually created the subscription with different settings. If you did this and set a longer retention, it’s up to you to decide what to do about it. I recommend setting it to 15 minutes.


never gotten this email but this sucks

Thanks for the clarification, was concerned myself.