My goal is to setup the climate component. The documentation says:
You must have the Nest component configured to use these sensors. The nest climate component will automatically be setup when you do.
So here we go:
Followed the documentation to setup the Nest component.
They look fine to me.
Setup the nest component in Configuration.yaml:
client_id: a5631ae8-fa87-xxxxxxxxxxxx
client_secret: U3xUmnxxxxxxx
Rebooted HA.
Configuration → Integrations → Nest
Setup the Nest component with the PIN code:
And success:
It says it has updated the configuration.yaml file, sadly the file isn’t changed at all (determined by the modification datetime):
Back to HA, I do see the following entities in the nest config panel:
But I’m not seeing any climate, nest, nor temperature entities at all:
Am I missing something during my configuration?
Climate and nest components are loaded successfully though: