Nest Integration Error - Unknown Subscriber

Has anyone had any recent luck adding Nest Thermostats into Home Assistant. I followed all the steps and made it pretty far along, but got stuck when on the Configure Google Cloud prompt. The error i get says, “Unknown Subscriber Error, see logs”. Any ideas?


Visit SettingsSystemLogs and see if there is an error message that has more details.

I’m seeing the same error. Did you get this resolved?

What’s in the logs?

Most common reason is the incorrect cloud project id name.

403 error on the call to cloud pub/sub. I’m certain I’m using the right cloud project ID, so I’m not sure what it could be.

Just tried it again (first time today). It worked. I have no idea why.

Silly question, but do you mean the HA logs? nothing new shows up when it errors out. Or is there a way to specifically see the logs associated with my attempt to integrate Nest?

Hi, i have the same issue. You can find the log in Settings-> System-> Logs
I get this:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/config/custom_components/nest_protect/", line 77, in async_setup_entry auth = await client.get_access_token_from_cookies(issue_token, cookies) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/config/custom_components/nest_protect/pynest/", line 159, in get_access_token_from_cookies raise Exception(result["error"]) Exception: USER_LOGGED_OUT

For me it was solved by enabling the right API’s:


Do what it says, go to the Logs via, Settings-system-logs and find the error likely mentioning subscription error. Click on it, copy the link it says, it’ll take you right to the API page to enable. Something I thought I had already did, but apparently now. Clicked enable, and worked after I retried

Hi I am just trying to get the nest integration going, but I get the following error:

  • Error creating subscription: Failed to create subscription ‘projects/nest-integration-434404/subscriptions/home-assistant-MLk2UbpyLq’: 403 Request had insufficient authentication scopes. [reason: “ACCESS_TOKEN_SCOPE_INSUFFICIENT” metadata { key: “service” value: “” } metadata { key: “method” value: “google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber.GetSubscription” } ]
  • Error creating subscription: Failed to create subscription ‘projects/nest-integration-434404/subscriptions/home-assistant-O7GMIDGQkt’: 403 Request had insufficient authentication scopes. [reason: “ACCESS_TOKEN_SCOPE_INSUFFICIENT” metadata { key: “service” value: “” } metadata { key: “method” value: “google.pubsub.v1.Subscriber.GetSubscription” } ]

I followed the video on the nest integration wiki by mostlychris and the two required APIs are enable. Not sure what this error is about.