Nest Integration "In production" security and how to get current target temp on Thermostat

I successfully set up the Nest integration for use with a Nest Thermostat following the docs and at first didn’t set the Publishing status to “Production” and instead left it on “Testing”.

I’ve gone back into settings in the Google API console and set it to “In production” now but I’m not sure what the “your app will be available to anyone with a Google Account.” message means in that context?

I’m assuming this doesn’t mean that just anyone will be able to access my Nest Thermostat? Are there are any other settings that need to be adjusted to secure the integration or it setting it to “In production” perfectly safe?

Separately, I can see the Nest integration on the dashboard which shows the current temp large and bold and the target temp in a small font size below it. I can get the current temperature as measured by the thermostat but is it possible to get the current target temp? I’d assume it is since it’s on the dashboard panel?

You should be fine. Really what this means is that your home assistant could theoretically get access to someone else’s account if going through your approval flow. (They could see the name of your “app” that you named in the oauth consent screen)

Ah ok, thanks for letting me know. It isn’t really explained in the docs despite the warning given by Google when changing to “In production”.