Nest integration (New version) gives error 400 in redirect uri

New nest integration gives error:

I am running from public url but it redirects to local IP which i cannot add to authorized redirect uri, but have added the public URL.


   external_url: smarthome2.xx.xx

Do you maybe know what’s going wrong @allenporter ?


try removing the internal_url from your HA? reboot do the same, add it again :slight_smile:

maybe this is a workaround for you untill its fixed/investigated

Thank you,
I tried but unfortunately, it still redirects to the local IP with the config integration. It’s really strange. Is there a way to force it?

maybe its still in your cache? i also see you have added in redirecturls ? thats not needed?
i only have 1 url there , my public HA url

That url was for testing if the API works, and that does.

Perform the same function from outside your home network. It should work.

I think it s caused by my reverse proxy rewrite thing in iis. For now I added the port and started using duckdns. that works.
Of course i tried the url from my 4g mobiel network also.tnks anyway :slight_smile: