Nest integration not working

Hope you can help!
I’m having problems integrating nest into my Home Assistant installation. I didn’t use my HA for some time and started using it again this week. I’ve updated the core and the OS to the latest versions.
My Nest integration didn’t work anymore and I read in the documentation that the old method was deprecated. So, I created a new Google Cloud Console Project with new credentials and I also created a new project in the device manager. All following the documentation I found here; Nest - Home Assistant.

I’ve doublechecked all settings 5 times. But when I reach the final step and I go into the authentication flow it just says:
Kan niet koppelen aan ProjectSept2
Neem contact op met ProjectSept2 als het probleem aanhoudt
Which in English is:
Can’t link to [Project Name]: Please contact [Project Name] if the issue persists.
In the documentation I read: This typically means that the OAuth Client ID used is mismatched. But this is not the case, I’ve doublechecked this often!

Hopefully someone can help me. I’m a true N00b, so please bear with me.
Thank you.

Yay! I fixed it myself.
So, I found out you should use the original Google Cloud Console Project if you already created one. You can create new credentials and use those in your Device Manager. And then I had to turn off IPv6 in system settings and I got it working. :slight_smile:

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Dag Paula

Ik probeer dit ook al enige tijd terug actief te krijgen, maarr zonder resultaat.
De uitleg dat ik gevolgd heb is deze onderstaande link, wat voorheen wel werkte.
Echter stuit ik op dezelfde problemen als jij. Ik krijg het niet opgelost…