Nest integration reporting http 429 status code on 0.32


Updated to 0.32.1 and i am getting the following errors in the log file now…

 File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\homeassistant\components\sensor\", line 194, in update
 File "c:\ProgramData\.homeassistant\deps\nest\", line 628, in co_status
 File "c:\ProgramData\.homeassistant\deps\nest\", line 568, in _device
 return self._nest_api._status['topaz'][self._serial]
 File "c:\ProgramData\.homeassistant\deps\nest\", line 1041, in _status
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 429 Client Error: for url:

A 429 is a rate-limiting response to suggest too many requests.

Dropping back to 0.31 and all works fine again.


You may want to report this issue at the Github repo. Not sure why HA would be making so many requests but may be related to this PR:


Now raised as

Did 32.2 solve your issue? I just noticed that my two nest protects are no longer reporting. I can’t find an error in the logs but all my states are unknown. It has been working fine up until 32.2.


0.32.2 has solved the 429 errors, only I no longer get any status for the nest protect like you. They are set to unknown.

This raised as

I just saw this issue before coming here and posted my findings there - thanks!