Updated to 0.32.1 and i am getting the following errors in the log file now…
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\homeassistant\components\sensor\nest.py", line 194, in update
File "c:\ProgramData\.homeassistant\deps\nest\nest.py", line 628, in co_status
File "c:\ProgramData\.homeassistant\deps\nest\nest.py", line 568, in _device
return self._nest_api._status['topaz'][self._serial]
File "c:\ProgramData\.homeassistant\deps\nest\nest.py", line 1041, in _status
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 429 Client Error: for url: https://czfe25-front01-iad01.transport.home.nest.com/v2/mobile/user.xxxxxxxxx
A 429 is a rate-limiting response to suggest too many requests.
Did 32.2 solve your issue? I just noticed that my two nest protects are no longer reporting. I can’t find an error in the logs but all my states are unknown. It has been working fine up until 32.2.