Once Home Assistant is started, a configurator will pop up asking you to log into your Nest account and copy a PIN code into Home Assistant.
I hit the configure link and accepted the permissions via the Nest website but instead of being given a PIN i was redirected to the URL that I had put in the
The description, users, urls can all be anything you want.
step plus a string of characters. I grabbed the string and thought that may be my PIN…it was not because I am getting the error:
Login Attempt Failed
And none of the nest related sensors/cameras are working. The dialog via home assistant to configure is now gone so I’m not sure how to re-attempt/fix this problem. Any ideas?
When setting up the “new product” in your nest dev account it asks for 2 urls. One is for your product, the other is the referral URL that it redirects to after correctly logging in. If you leave the second URL blank, it will instead provide a pin number which is what is needed to set up nest with HA.
Thank you. How do I now get that pin into HA? I know longer have the card to configure it on the gui and I don’t see from documentation where I can put it in the config. Thanks!
Hey Guys, I followed the same instructions and get the invalid config error -
16-12-14 00:05:50 homeassistant.bootstrap: Invalid config for [nest]: [client_id] is an invalid option for [nest]. Check: nest->nest->client_id. (See /var/opt/homeassistant/configuration.yaml:106). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/nest/
I checked a few other posts and sample nest configs and changed from client_id & product_id to username & password. and is now working. Not sure why the component setup guidelines are using client_id.