Nest invalid password

I tried to setup the new nest component via the directions on the site Google Nest - Home Assistant.

When I got almost all the way done at this step:

Once Home Assistant is started, a configurator will pop up asking you to log into your Nest account and copy a PIN code into Home Assistant.

I hit the configure link and accepted the permissions via the Nest website but instead of being given a PIN i was redirected to the URL that I had put in the

The description, users, urls can all be anything you want.

step plus a string of characters. I grabbed the string and thought that may be my PIN…it was not because I am getting the error:

Login Attempt Failed

And none of the nest related sensors/cameras are working. The dialog via home assistant to configure is now gone so I’m not sure how to re-attempt/fix this problem. Any ideas?

Ya I went through all the steps but the last one didn’t act as was expected so not sure where to go from here.

tried to remove the component from the config and restart the auth process but got the exact same result. What’s going on?

When setting up the “new product” in your nest dev account it asks for 2 urls. One is for your product, the other is the referral URL that it redirects to after correctly logging in. If you leave the second URL blank, it will instead provide a pin number which is what is needed to set up nest with HA.

Thank you. How do I now get that pin into HA? I know longer have the card to configure it on the gui and I don’t see from documentation where I can put it in the config. Thanks!

Delete nest.conf from your .homeassistant directory and restart Hass.


Excellent! All good to go now. Much appreciated.

Hey Guys, I followed the same instructions and get the invalid config error -
16-12-14 00:05:50 homeassistant.bootstrap: Invalid config for [nest]: [client_id] is an invalid option for [nest]. Check: nest->nest->client_id. (See /var/opt/homeassistant/configuration.yaml:106). Please check the docs at

Any help much appreciated.

I checked a few other posts and sample nest configs and changed from client_id & product_id to username & password. and is now working. Not sure why the component setup guidelines are using client_id.

after blowing up my Pi/HA setup I restarted and used the Al in One HA install, and…
client_id: CLIENT_ID
client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET

worked perfectly as described in the component setup guide.