Nest issue 26/01?

Running the new nest integration since 18/01 all working fine, running latest HA 2021.1.5 on a VM running Nest is configured to point to nabucasa url. This morning had a 400 error when changing nest heating.

Nest app was working on phone so knew it was a HA issue. Rebooted HA and was prompted to reconfigure the integration again. Followed this through all working ok now.

Question, what caused this? If it was a known back-end change that’s all good. Is it likely to happen again if not. Appreciate the nest integration might still be changing. Just curious to see what happened.

I hear common reports that users auth sessions get logged out by Google – this isn’t due to anything changing on the home assistant side as far as I know.

There are apparently a ton of possible reasons: – including changing your password. I haven’t been able to work closely with anyone to debug which issue they are facing.

Walked through this a bit in and I added a bunch of logging to get more detail in if you want to crank up debug logs we can take a closer look at the error message.

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