Nest Partner Connection Removed


Not sure if I missed a tick-box or this is just how it is. After 7 days, I get a notification “Partner Connection Removed”. I need to remove the integration and re-add it ( to reauthenticate to Google).

Is there a way of making this NOT expire? or is there a better way of re-authorizing? or did I miss something in setting it up? Is this an artifact of leaving my oAuth as “Testing”?

This is the first time i’ve heard of this one. Maybe a question for Google?

Had the same issue!
Maybe it has something to do with Google Nest Access failure after couples of days · Issue #44584 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Hi @CarbonBlock :wave:
Did you end up working this one out, I’m having the same issue

Yes. You need to set the OAUTH to production. Once you reauthenticate after that it sticks. I think there is supposed to have this info in the troubleshooting guide.
Several months now, no disconnect.

@CarbonBlock Forgive me,but where exactly do I do that?

From the guide here: Nest - Home Assistant
It’s now listed as step 13.

@allenporter thank you. Much appreciated.

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