Nest Protect - Internet Access required or not

I’m thinking about picking up a nest protect. From looking at the configuration it looks like it asks for a username/password. So my question is, does the nest require internet connectivity to update HA sensors?

If I had to guess I’d say no, or at least I’d hope not, but you never know. I’d want to be able to trigger automations if a fire was detected even if I had no internet connectivity.


You can figure out how a system works by looking at the component page.

In the upper right of every page there is an IOT class. Nest is “IoT class: Cloud Push”

|Assumed State|We are unable to get the state of the device. Best we can do is to assume the state based on our last command.|
|Cloud Polling|Integration of this device happens via the cloud and requires an active internet connection. Polling the state means that an update might be noticed later.|
|Cloud Push|Integration of this device happens via the cloud and requires an active internet connection. Home Assistant will be notified as soon as a new state is available.|
|Local Polling|Offers direct communication with device. Polling the state means that an update might be noticed later.|
|Local Push|Offers direct communication with device. Home Assistant will be notified as soon as a new state is available.|

that’s great info, thanks!. Never noticed that. That’s actually disappointing though for the nest protect. Even though I like the look and features of it, I’ll stick with my older zwave smoke/co2 detector that does not require internet connectivity.