Nest Protect Sensors not loading

I’m currently on 0.59.2 and have been trying for over a week to get my Nest Protect to display it’s statuses.
I do not have a Nest Thermostat. I’ve tried a number of different things in my config files - including specifying the structure and the monitored_conditions but nothing seems to work. I also don’t see any errors related to the nest component in the log.

Here is the startup log with the Nest component set to “debug” and everything else set to “critical”:

2017-12-08 10:48:44 DEBUG (Thread-4) [homeassistant.components.nest] proceeding with setup
2017-12-08 10:48:45 DEBUG (Thread-4) [homeassistant.components.nest] Structures to include: ['Myhome']
2017-12-08 10:48:45 DEBUG (Thread-4) [homeassistant.components.nest] proceeding with discovery
2017-12-08 10:48:45 DEBUG (Thread-4) [homeassistant.components.nest] setup done

My current configuration.yaml looks like this (which I understand should load all sensors and all owned structures). The only thing that might be unusual about my Nest account is that it contains one ‘owned’ structure and one ‘un-owned’ structure.

  client_id: !secret nest_client_id
  client_secret: !secret nest_client_secret

I have a nest.conf file with a valid access token in it and I have double-checked my ‘developer permissions’ several times and everything that can be set to read/write HAS been set to read/write.

When I use the Developer Tools to check services, the nest.set_mode service exists in the list.
There are no Nest state entities.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is there currently a bug in the Nest platform support in Home Assistant 0.59.2?


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[BUMP] Same issue - Nest Protect without any other Nest products: won’t display as an entity, although nest: domain initializes and nest.set_mode is in the services list.

I am also facing same issue with Nest Thermostat and Nest Protect however Nest Cam is working fine. I am unable to find any nest sensor from Thermostat and Protect devices under my HA state listing. Using HA version 0.60 with Docker. Is there anything that need to be enabled from Nest developer site?