Nest stream keeps freezing on dashboard

I am very new to HA so I am sure I am over looking something but I have my 3 nest streams and my 1 wyze stream working on my dashboard the 3 nest ones will all freeze at the same time about 5 mins after I start it up the wyze one stays working.

Nest streams are refreshed every 5 minutes when they expire. Could you include more detail? E.g
The type of lovelace card involved, or details if any from error logs?

the logs do not show any errors when they freeze and I am picture entity card with camera view set to live

Perhaps also check out the debug log instructions on the nest integration page. This still isn’t quite enough information to help… Maybe filing an issue with diagnostics attached can help us dig in

I regularly have issues with nest cameras on my dashboard. The errors from the logs are below:

Source: components/stream/
Integration: Stream (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 9:31:24 AM (36 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:17:05 PM

Error from stream worker: Error demuxing stream: [Errno 5] I/O error: 'rtsps://<longpath>'; last error log: [tls] The specified session has been invalidated for some reason.
Error from stream worker: Error opening stream (HTTP_NOT_FOUND, Server returned 404 Not Found) rtsps://<longpath>?auth=****

Hi your issue is unrelated to this thread, but which has been reported to the nest team but has not been resolved yet.

Is this still ongoing? I’m new to Home Assistant but seems like I’m getting the same or very similar issue

Source: components/stream/
Integration: Stream (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 21:26:13 (6 occurrences)
Last logged: 21:29:35

Error from stream worker: Error opening stream (HTTP_NOT_FOUND, Server returned 404

Yep still going on.