Nest Thermostat getting events

I’ve just changed my system from Nest to Drayton (to get individual room control). All is working well. The only downside is that my partner hates the plastic Drayton thermostat and much preferred the Nest. So although the Drayton will do the real work (usually via Alexa and schedules), I’d like the Nest to act as a front-end.

Although it’s no longer connected to the boiler, the Nest Heatlink can be powered up, and the thermostat shows ‘room temperature’, and ‘set temperature’. The temperature display is, of course, correct. What I’d like to do is:

  1. Sync the Nest ‘set temperature’ to the Drayton ‘set temperature’
  2. Vice Versa (though it is more about display rather than control)

I can see how to read and adjust the ‘set temperatures’ for both Thermostat entities. But what can I use as a trigger? Is there an event that fires when this is changed?

I’d rather do this as an automation, but also have tried NodeRed using a state_changed icon without success