NEST Thermostat not showing

I recently decided to jump into using Googles new API for the nest products and after paying my $5 fee went through the well documented process for setting it up.

I completed that with what appeared to be no issues and then when i went to add the integration it completed saying sucesfull.

However there are still no devices or entities showing against the integration.


Can i ask if anyone else has had a similar issue and how they resolved it ?




This seems to be common, but usually means a misconfiguration or something you can poke at to unstick it on the Google API side. Have a look at the trouble shooting steps in

A couple questions:

  • What home assistant version? Each release has error message improvements to help you debug
  • Anything in the ERROR log? Common misconfigurations are detected as ERROR log messages
  • Can you confirm which troubleshooting steps on the integration page you’ve tried? (see the ones related to items not showing up)

Exact same problem over here (“empty card”), even after restarting HA (running 2021.1.5)
Prior to the whole Google Device Access painful setup and the installation of the HA’s Nest integration, I had switched my Nest to Google Accounts (as a prerequisite)
I since have restarted the thermostat then HA but nothing more was discovered (I’m too lazy to reset the thermostat and lose its settings and I don’t know if that would unblock anything anyway)

Not sure what more to check in the Troubleshooting section as I was able to reach the Nest integration in HA :thinking:

Try sending curl commands to the nest sdm api as described In their Google sdm api set-up instructions on their site. If it doesn’t work and no devices are returned then it’s a problem on the Google side. If it does work, then let me know what the responses are and we can investigate.

For me, restarting the thermostat once and restarting home assistant fixed this bug when I had it a few months ago.

Ok, I got it working ! :partying_face:

Here is what I did : I had followed an obsolete YouTube tutorial from Sept 2020 that overlooked the Pub Sub part.
So I went through that section I was missing.
I updated my configuration.yaml file whose subscriber_id was wrong (used the one created with the Pub/Sub above).
I then deleted my Nest “empty card” from the HA integration and re-added it.
Finally I restarted HA and my 1 device / 3 entities showed up :grin: