Nest thermostat unavailable

Unfortunately I’ve started with this issue too, the integration has been a little flakey with 400 errors when moving between ECO and heat. This morning every change of mode threw a 400, rebooted the HA server and the thermostat is now unavailable in HA.

I tend to try to find work arounds for these things but what I’ve found is maybe a little more concerning. I also use SmartThings as a ZWave and Zigbee controller. I have tried to add Nest back into ST using the official integration (so not using the HA Auth) and it would appear that ST can’t see my Thermostat after a successful setup. I also read that Alexa integration is broken, but haven’t tested.

I’m going to experiment with triggering the mode change by sharing a device between HA and Google home and turning it on and off using the status of an on/off device. A hack but at least it should get the heat back on!!

Absolute pain that this integration has broken during the worst energy crisis for a generation.

My guess is it’s because google is getting ready to go live with accessing your google devices from the web browser “next week” through the website. Either API changes, or a new Google API replacing the Nest API.

edit: I really do know how to spell…

I was able to reach Google on this topic. I’ll share with you updates once I get feedback from them.
I added a question to their official support channel - integration - Google Nest API is not working / No device or entities are returned - Stack Overflow

Something has been fixed. My thermostat is now showing up again after a HA restart.

same here…just restarted HA and all entities are back working

Working here too!

working again after restart too here! that took them long enough.

It works correctly again. Let’s hope it lasts

Mined just conked out after an update. Restoring to previous didn’t revive it!

Retrying setup: Device manager error: Error from API: 503: UNAVAILABLE: The service is currently unavailable.: Service Unavailable

Guessing it is their side? The best app is also being very flaky.

False alarm we at back online… strange!

I think there was a nest outage the other day.

I’m getting this issue as of today.
The state of thermostat is correct on HA but I can’t change HVAC mode or temperature getting a 400 on both.
Anybody seeing this again?

Yes, mine has been unreliable all day, if I try to set a target temperature via HA it simply turns the stat off, same if I issue a command via Alexa, more reliable through Google Home but still not great. been working fine up until the last 24 hrs…

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And just like that it starts working again.
Pretty sure it was an issue at Nest’s end